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Contribute to EAC

We accept donations using all major credit cards and PayPal. You may choose to pay via your PayPal account, or may pay with a major credit card via our safe PayPal-powered checkout.


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Make a donation

We appreciate donations of all sizes and are happy to offer donors the option of recurring payments (see below). Even $20 a month (or $10, or $5) makes a difference and helps keep our doors open and lights on.


One time









Comment (optional)

Or you are welcome to mail your contribution to:

Eastport Arts Center

36 Washington Street

Eastport, ME 04631


Be sure to include your address so that we can mail you a receipt.


Please call 207-853-4650 if you have any questions.


One-time Donation: Any amount helps us to keep our work alive!

Recurring Donation: Making recurring monthly or annual payments underlines your commitment to the Eastport Arts Center.

Memorial Donation: If you have a special friend, a favorite relative, an exceptional teacher, or anyone you would like to recognize, please consider honoring them with a contribution to the Eastport Arts Center in their name.

Business Donation: Support from local businesses is important to us so that we can help support the local economy.

Planned Giving: Planned Giving is a way to support the EAC into the future. Two of the simplest ways to plan a legacy gift are to designate the EAC in your will or to name the EAC as a beneficiary of a financial account.  



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